“This is to verify that the above company has been deemed a leading local employer by busan metropolitan city.”
Hy-Lok Korea corporation was selected as a best company from the authorization of the flagship company of the business group for employment organized by Busan city on last May 15, Thursday.
The authorization of the flagship company of the business group for employment is a certification system which is for supporting some companies to increase the employment and spead the participative atmosphere about job creation of society, 24 companies besides Hy-Lok Corporation got the certification in Busan.
If a company is authorized as the flagship company of the business group for employment, △ certification , △the cost of improving working environment and marketing,△ preference of preserving interest when receiving fund support, △reduction on credit guaratee commission, △local tax investigation delay, △preferential support to participate on exhibition and expand of overseas markets , △reduction of acquisition tax and registration tax for new real property will be supported.